Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Greater than these

John 14:12 – Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father (NIV).

If Jesus said we will do the things that He did and even greater than that, why aren’t we? In the 10 years that I’ve been in the faith, I have not seen a blind person receive sight, yet; deaf person hearing, yet; mute person talking, yet; lame person walking, yet. I haven’t even seen a dead person come back to life, yet. Why is that? Is it because we don’t believe in the Word? Is it because we don’t believe in God? Or is it lack of faith? Whatever it is, it needs to change.

We need to stand firm in the Word. If we don’t believe God, then whom can we believe. God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind (Numbers 23:19, NIV). Rather than blaming God for miracles not taking place, perhaps we should check our faith tank. Is it running on empty? Does the faith fuel need to be pumped in? Is it time to visit the faith station?

The first couple of words in the King James Version of that verse say, ‘Verily, verily’. Every time in the Bible, Jesus said ‘verily, verily’, He meant ‘truthfully’. Not that He would lie or ever needed to lie, but He meant that it is ‘for real’. It’s like when people say, ‘if you didn’t hear anything I’ve said all this time, listen to this.’ It was given very much importance. So, Jesus is saying, we will do even greater things than these (the ones He did), because He’s gone to the Father. He’s not saying, we may do or we can do if we want to, He’s saying we will do, which means the power is already in us to be able to do everything He did and more, if, and only if, we believe.

That’s the key word, believe. We have to believe in Jesus. We must believe He is the Son of God. We must believe He is the Savior of this world. We must believe that He came into this world, lived, suffered, died, buried and on the third day, rose again, and He is coming back again. We must also believe in the things He did. If I don’t believe Jesus raised people from dead, then how can I bring people back from death? 


  1. Yes! He is powerful... Good writtings Rachel. Got to ur blog from the "Bloggers for Christ" page on fb. There are many things tat God does bt we do not recognise them. Right from our next very breath... its a miracle! Offcourse as u said, we need to increase our Faith. And Faith comes from hearing the word of God!

  2. You are right, Diana. Being able to breath the free and fresh air without any oxygen equipment, is a miracle! Thank you for your comment.
